2. The other day i dropped the remote and the back opened up and the batteries fell out.... well one went missing and i could NOT find it for the life of me. Haha, well i was cleaning up dog poop outside today and look what i found! Looks like little miss Daisy ate an extra snack.
Monday, December 29, 2008
2 more things
1.I think Eva Longoria pretty much explains it all when she said- “I think sometimes women are stuck in a type. I’ve never dated the same type. I fall in love with personalities, and they come in different packages.”
2. The other day i dropped the remote and the back opened up and the batteries fell out.... well one went missing and i could NOT find it for the life of me. Haha, well i was cleaning up dog poop outside today and look what i found! Looks like little miss Daisy ate an extra snack.
2. The other day i dropped the remote and the back opened up and the batteries fell out.... well one went missing and i could NOT find it for the life of me. Haha, well i was cleaning up dog poop outside today and look what i found! Looks like little miss Daisy ate an extra snack.
a couple new things
So over the Christmas break Jin Ho had a few days off (which is very rare) so we went shopping! Him and i never get to spend a whole day off, let alone a couple of them, so we took advantage of it! We took the dogs to doggy day care at happy tails so we wouldn't have to worry about them being in their crates for too long, and we were off!
We went up to Paso to Target and Ross. Then we came back to slo and shopped around downtown til we had to go pick up the dogs before they closed. I had soooo much fun, not just because we were getting some new things for the house, but because we got to spend that much time together doing something fun. If you know me, then you know that the house that Jin Ho moved into almost 2 years ago still looks like he just moved in a month ago! There is nothing on the walls! and the decorating looks like a bachelor pad. So just to start off small , we got a few new things that are helping turn this house into a home, and i love it.
Here are just some random pictures of some of the things we got and more.
This is the side table we got for the couches along with a cute new lamp and digital photo frame!I was probably the most excited about the digital photo frame because ive been wanting one for a while now!
I found these candle holders at Ross im OBSESSED with them! They were so cheap and now we can bring good luck into the house with elephants! ( i am a little superstitous)

We also got this little table at Ross along with the mirror we hung above it. This is the spot where he used to have a whole wall of Dvd's. It looks and feels 100% nicer in here now and we actually hung our first item on the wall!
Bentley is obsessed with Jin Ho, from the second he gets home til he leaves in the morning hes sitting on his lap! And then the picture below is Mom and Ella baking last night! Right before she fell ill :( poor little lover.
We went up to Paso to Target and Ross. Then we came back to slo and shopped around downtown til we had to go pick up the dogs before they closed. I had soooo much fun, not just because we were getting some new things for the house, but because we got to spend that much time together doing something fun. If you know me, then you know that the house that Jin Ho moved into almost 2 years ago still looks like he just moved in a month ago! There is nothing on the walls! and the decorating looks like a bachelor pad. So just to start off small , we got a few new things that are helping turn this house into a home, and i love it.
Here are just some random pictures of some of the things we got and more.
We also got this little table at Ross along with the mirror we hung above it. This is the spot where he used to have a whole wall of Dvd's. It looks and feels 100% nicer in here now and we actually hung our first item on the wall!
Bentley is obsessed with Jin Ho, from the second he gets home til he leaves in the morning hes sitting on his lap! And then the picture below is Mom and Ella baking last night! Right before she fell ill :( poor little lover.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
What does Becoming a nurse mean?

hard work, a lot of schooling, a lot of learning,becoming something you've worked terribly hard for, and making a lot of money.
I don't get very much feedback from the people i surround myself with other than my hard working boyfriend, but i just need to remember that im doing this for myself and no one else. It's not easy by any means, but its definitely easy to feel like none of your friends give a shit when everyone grew up in a town where no one really goes anywhere or does anything. It just makes me want to work harder for it.
That's my vent for the day.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ive been SOOOOOOOOOOOOO stressed about not passing this Bio class i was just in because that would mean i would have to re-take it and my nursing application would be void.... but i JUST FOUND OUT I PASSED! woo-hoo with a C! I haven't had the best night...but nothing can bring me down! Thank you Jesus and Mr.Kirkhart.
p.s i am notorious for crazy sinus infections and i feel a cold coming on! please no :( not during Christmas!!
p.p.s The Christmas party is tomorrow night and im excited! I just got done decorating the house by myself, and cleaning by myself. Jin Ho never cleans! I will post pictures after the party to show the cute decorations.
p.s i am notorious for crazy sinus infections and i feel a cold coming on! please no :( not during Christmas!!
p.p.s The Christmas party is tomorrow night and im excited! I just got done decorating the house by myself, and cleaning by myself. Jin Ho never cleans! I will post pictures after the party to show the cute decorations.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
im tired
Well its official the Jin Ho-liday party will be held on the 2oth! Im excited because i feel like this year we have become close with everyone that will be attending.. it wont be as big as last year, but i guess as life goes on we just naturally weed out the people that dont matter and stay close with the ones that do, and i am extremly thankful for the people in my life! We really do have an awesome close group of friends and we all have a lot of fun together so i imagine it i will be a really good time. Im so excited.
I had a crazy week. I had 2 exams, 3 essays, and a group project for bio on top of finals next week and work. Im exhausted. Jin Ho bought me the new Sims game on the wii (united kingdom) and i started playing last week and all ive wanted to do is just sit and play it for a couple of hours! So i planned on tonight just being my night to relax and not do anything and i ended up NOT playing the sims , but baking and cleaning instead! now its back to work in the morning and meeting with my bio group again in the afternoon. im BURT.
p.s i love ace of cakes
It's Loris Baby shower this Sunday, i cant even believe how fast time is flying. I knew it would and i would be kicking myself for not being able to spend enough time with her while shes pregnant! I guess i just need to accept the fact that we are both older and NOT sixteen anymore so i cant just pick up the phone or walk over to her house and see her at any second. :( KRISTA you too! i love them more than anything its just so hard to try and plan things these days between our schedules, considering San Luis is like worlds away from AG and Santa Maria.
I had a crazy week. I had 2 exams, 3 essays, and a group project for bio on top of finals next week and work. Im exhausted. Jin Ho bought me the new Sims game on the wii (united kingdom) and i started playing last week and all ive wanted to do is just sit and play it for a couple of hours! So i planned on tonight just being my night to relax and not do anything and i ended up NOT playing the sims , but baking and cleaning instead! now its back to work in the morning and meeting with my bio group again in the afternoon. im BURT.
p.s i love ace of cakes
It's Loris Baby shower this Sunday, i cant even believe how fast time is flying. I knew it would and i would be kicking myself for not being able to spend enough time with her while shes pregnant! I guess i just need to accept the fact that we are both older and NOT sixteen anymore so i cant just pick up the phone or walk over to her house and see her at any second. :( KRISTA you too! i love them more than anything its just so hard to try and plan things these days between our schedules, considering San Luis is like worlds away from AG and Santa Maria.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Last weekend we went out on Saturday night with pretty much all of our friends (which is rare) because usually Jin Ho works and everyone else is just busy. WELL as i predicted, everyone pretty much ended up as drunk as i thought they would and ended off the night in a fist fight! Compliments of my boyfriend starting it by sticking up for me :) then we decided to walk all the way home and he forced me to take off my heels and wear his shoes and he walked in his socks the whole two miles! he is so sweet. He also put up the Christmas lights last weekend and they look amazing! This year he got the LED icicle lights so you can pretty much see our house from Broad because they are so bright! Then, right when i thought i was pushing it asking him to put up the lights, he came home from work yesterday and offered to go get a Christmas tree!! Before we left he MADE sure that i knew we couldnt get a huge one because our house is to small and we dont have enough room...haha. All i can say is we came home with an EIGHT feet tall flocked tree!! its wild and i love it.I spotted it from a mile away when we got to the the place and its perfect! I decorated last night til about eleven and now our living room looks like a winter wonderland! I really do have the best boyfriend. I felt so bad because last night when we went to bed he woke up and barfed all night long, and then i had crazy anxiety that i might get sick during these next few weeks of finals so we were both up all night! I cant wait for Christmas... and i think were going to go to Vegas when im done on the 17th, im so excited!p.s who thinks we should have a holiday party this year???

Saturday, November 22, 2008
good show
I went and saw Mickey Avalon last night which actually turned out to be really fun. Jin Ho got a table so we didn't have to be in that crazy crowd cause i probably would have just left considering i wasn't in the best mood. He has these two really funny dancers with him that were probably the most enteraning part of the whole show. They wore slutty lingerie the whole time and just wondered around the stage, at one point one was just in pasties! I wasnt sure if it would be fun cause i knew that every stupid person in SLO would be there, but hes weird, gross, and dirty,three of my most favorite things so i knew i couldnt miss out! If any of you dont know what Mickey Avalon looks like - treat yourself to some eye candy. p's hes tiny

Sunday, November 16, 2008
i love them.
So i had lunch with Lori and Krista this week and boy did i NEED it! I feel like i haven't even been able to see their bellies grow and i hate it more than anything! They make me feel like im so far behind ( life wise) but its amazing to think that we are all still best friends and i actually get to witness all of this baby having! Now for the rest of the weekend, not so good. not gonna blog about it.
I forced them to take this picture. Lori wanted to take it infront of that big coors light truck in the background ( not surprising!) and Krista would not smile!!! Sounds about right :) Love you guys!
I forced them to take this picture. Lori wanted to take it infront of that big coors light truck in the background ( not surprising!) and Krista would not smile!!! Sounds about right :) Love you guys!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
my dream
Ok just a little FYI about me before you read this.. my whole life ive had night terrors.. i wont go into detail or anything but they are vivid dreams that usually end up in me sleep walking and doing weird things and when i wake up i can remember the whole thing like it actually happened.This one wasnt scary at ALL, but it was as vivid as they usually are and i never usually dream other then night terrors... SO this morning I just woke up out of this dream i HAVE to blog about.
We were back at my old redlands house with my whole family,not living there,just visiting after all these years because i guess Taryn and I were both getting married there the next day! I dont remember if she was marrying Shaun or not, i dont think i ever got to see who it was going to be, all i remember is the house was vacant and a little different looking but mostly how i remembered it. It was painted a light teal and pastel pink, and i kept thinking.. these colors are crazy...but i guess it will work! My dad walked upstairs in his suit that was super eighties and like 5 sizes to small but he was really excited about it so i didnt say anything cause i didnt want to hurt his feelings. I just remember feeling like i wanted to cry when i saw it. THEN i realized i didnt have a wedding dress. Jin Ho had surprised me with one! It was wild. It was brown with all kinds of fancy stuff on it. I remember thinking he would really like me in it, but it was really unflattering. So i was looking around and Taryn had 3 wedding dresses picked out all from J Crew!! I kept asking her how i could find one in such short time and she told me that if i went that day to target they could have one shipped out to me. Then i remember freaking out and not wanting to get married inside the house because i felt like it was to eighties looking so i was yelling at everyone telling them i wanted to get married outside the house infront of the big pillars and by the bushes! Then i woke up.
It freaked me out, it was like i was actually there. Does anyone know why i would have a dream like this?
We were back at my old redlands house with my whole family,not living there,just visiting after all these years because i guess Taryn and I were both getting married there the next day! I dont remember if she was marrying Shaun or not, i dont think i ever got to see who it was going to be, all i remember is the house was vacant and a little different looking but mostly how i remembered it. It was painted a light teal and pastel pink, and i kept thinking.. these colors are crazy...but i guess it will work! My dad walked upstairs in his suit that was super eighties and like 5 sizes to small but he was really excited about it so i didnt say anything cause i didnt want to hurt his feelings. I just remember feeling like i wanted to cry when i saw it. THEN i realized i didnt have a wedding dress. Jin Ho had surprised me with one! It was wild. It was brown with all kinds of fancy stuff on it. I remember thinking he would really like me in it, but it was really unflattering. So i was looking around and Taryn had 3 wedding dresses picked out all from J Crew!! I kept asking her how i could find one in such short time and she told me that if i went that day to target they could have one shipped out to me. Then i remember freaking out and not wanting to get married inside the house because i felt like it was to eighties looking so i was yelling at everyone telling them i wanted to get married outside the house infront of the big pillars and by the bushes! Then i woke up.
It freaked me out, it was like i was actually there. Does anyone know why i would have a dream like this?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Two things
First- you might recognize them from the CMT music show can you duet, or from a couple commercials on TV right now...but im OBSESSED. Their names are Rory+Joey and for some reason every single thing about them makes me cry. I loved them on the show,and when i saw one of their first commericals i just about died. They are the most sweetest, in love, precious couple not to mention she has the most amazing voice you have ever heard. Check them out!They have a couple videos on their myspace that are about them that are really cute.

Second- I don't know if you have ever tried this? m sure most of you have seen the commercial back in the day, yes the really cheesy one! BUT i love it. Lately ive been on a huge kick drinking a cup a night.. which probably is not good for the Lbs. but regardless it is tasty. I remembered drinking it when i was younger so i decided to go to the grocery store to see if they had it and thank God they did! Im actually having a glass right now!

Second- I don't know if you have ever tried this? m sure most of you have seen the commercial back in the day, yes the really cheesy one! BUT i love it. Lately ive been on a huge kick drinking a cup a night.. which probably is not good for the Lbs. but regardless it is tasty. I remembered drinking it when i was younger so i decided to go to the grocery store to see if they had it and thank God they did! Im actually having a glass right now!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
So i just saw my first Christmas commercial of the year and ohhhh yes it felt so good! It was just a wal mart commercial but i loved every second of it!! I cant wait for all of the decorations to go up around San Luis and Arroyo Grande. This year i get to have a REAL Christmas tree and i
couldnt be more excited! I would love to try and convince my boyfriend to get one of those snowy white ones that Taryn and I have always wanted... but i doubt i could be that lucky. I was thinking about taking some awesome Christmas photos with funny sweaters and my boxers all dressed up to send out.. we will see if i get around to that though. My first semester is coming to an end so fast. I cant believe that in less than a month i will already be done with my first pre reqs! I met with my counciler yesterday to devise my RN plan, which seems a little overwhelming right now but i know in the end thats where my heart will be. She kept mentioning to have a back up plan incase i dont get in this random drawing for the LVN coarse and every single time i cringed! Anyways.... atleast its almost Christmas time! and even better i get to have Brenda here with me cause she decided not to move yet! I am sooo thankful cause i was already beginning to cry everysingle time she mentioned it. Anyways, I need Thanksgiving to come quicker so i can get those Chritmas lights up !( that i already made Jin Ho buy!) he loves me.
couldnt be more excited! I would love to try and convince my boyfriend to get one of those snowy white ones that Taryn and I have always wanted... but i doubt i could be that lucky. I was thinking about taking some awesome Christmas photos with funny sweaters and my boxers all dressed up to send out.. we will see if i get around to that though. My first semester is coming to an end so fast. I cant believe that in less than a month i will already be done with my first pre reqs! I met with my counciler yesterday to devise my RN plan, which seems a little overwhelming right now but i know in the end thats where my heart will be. She kept mentioning to have a back up plan incase i dont get in this random drawing for the LVN coarse and every single time i cringed! Anyways.... atleast its almost Christmas time! and even better i get to have Brenda here with me cause she decided not to move yet! I am sooo thankful cause i was already beginning to cry everysingle time she mentioned it. Anyways, I need Thanksgiving to come quicker so i can get those Chritmas lights up !( that i already made Jin Ho buy!) he loves me.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Ok SO Halloween was fun! I had a really good time. The decorations were not half as good as i had hoped they would be... but oh well they were still cool. The live psychic room scared me all night, I just wanted to stay as far away from it as possible! The night was longggggggg considering we got there around 9 and stayed til almost closeing time. Things started getting a little weird towards the end of the night! we wont get into that though...ha . So i had a really rough week and ended it off with a fun Halloween thank God cause i definetly needed it! Here are some fun pictures from our night. The last picture is of Kamylah and I downtown a couple weekends ago. She is in the same program as me so were in all of the same classes, i LOVE her she is my rock! I hope hope hope that we both get accepted into the program at the same time so every cross your fingers for her to !

Dj Flight and Jin Ho

Jin Ho and Matt Gaines

Brenda being a savage Indian!

i LOVE this bitch!

Uncle Sam is soo cute!

Im in love with Uncle Sam

We had the coolest drinks!

Jin Ho, Rich, and I

Kamylah and I
Dj Flight and Jin Ho
Jin Ho and Matt Gaines
Brenda being a savage Indian!
i LOVE this bitch!
Uncle Sam is soo cute!
Im in love with Uncle Sam
We had the coolest drinks!
Jin Ho, Rich, and I
Kamylah and I
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
bad day
I hate bad days. School is wearing me OUT. I mean with school, work, two boxers, and a boyfriend who doesn't know one thing about a simple apology, things can just plain suck sometimes. I hate having this feeling where you are upset but you don't want to talk to anyone about it, and you don't want to see anyone you know, but yet you don't really want to be alone. I mean , where in the hell is that going to get you ? Knowing me probably just sitting either in my car parked somewhere , or at Starbucks for a LONG time. Ive been going through some rough times lately. Friends just aren't really pulling through, relationships are hard and confusing, i guess its just a reminder that I cant really count on anyone but myself at this point. I need to just concentrate on school so i can finish and be able to support myself. I did find out a couple good news today though, i skipped class on Thursday and it turned out class was canceled anyways so i didn't miss anything! I also got my grade in math today and i have a 93.6%.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Everyone is Sick!!!!
Everyone is sick! including me now :( boo. Ive been trying my hardest to stay away from all of the flu/sickly people, but all i can think about the whole time im sitting in a desk at school is how many germs are all over them! On top of being sick, i have been switching birth controls the last year or so trying to find the right one and i finally decided about 2 months ago to give my body a break for a little bit. Well i started my period and man i forgot what it was like to just have a normal period. It ROCKED my world, i thought i had the stomach flu! Turned out i just needed some advil and a long nap. I did also get my flu shot last week and i usually somehow end up getting sick within a week or so of getting the flu shot every year. Well my dad SWEARS on his life that its not from the shot! Ive been learning all about that sort of thing though and im beginning to think he could possibly be wrong! I would way rather have that flu shot though then the full blown flu! So to everyone who is sick or has been , i feel your pain!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
So today we decided to be festive and we headed down to the Avila Valley Barn, which i still cant decide was a good idea or not! The crowds were crazy!! and we brought Daisy and Bentley too! I decided because i love my sister Taryn so much i would carve my pumpkin in honor of her and her love for the Twilight series ( as much as i hate it!) So here is the documentation!

Bentley was hard at work the whole time trying to eat every piece of pumpkin he could get!

We carved on our back porch.

Daisy hard at work!

i styled my hair for the festive activities!! doesn't it look nice?

Jin Ho's pumpkin is off the hook CLEARLY.

Oh i also put up some decorative orange lights in honor of the holiday! Our house looks so cute i love it.

Bentley was hard at work the whole time trying to eat every piece of pumpkin he could get!

We carved on our back porch.

Daisy hard at work!

i styled my hair for the festive activities!! doesn't it look nice?

Jin Ho's pumpkin is off the hook CLEARLY.

If you cant tell my pumpkin is a vampire going in for a bite on the neck! i free styled those stars by the way!

Oh i also put up some decorative orange lights in honor of the holiday! Our house looks so cute i love it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
no title
So all my life my dad has been getting shoulder surgeries and knee surgeries that require him to have multiple stitches. Pretty much every time he would ask me if i wanted to take them out for him! well knowing me, usually i did! I loved doing things like that. I remember one time he had a big shoulder surgery and came home with tons of staples all down his shoulder that he let me take out and i loved every second of it!! Well last night he came home with our flu shots. So of coarse in the family line up i go first ( if you know my family, i usually go first when dad brings home the scary shots from work) and right afterward he turned to me and said, "ok ,now you give me mine". I got soo nervous! Im not sure if it was because it was my dad and hes the doctor so i didnt want to mess up in front of him , or if it was because i just had never done it! So he yelled at me for a minute or so and finally i just did it. Well when i was done i was begging everyone else if they would let me do theirs too! I mean if i can be excited about giving my first shot, what is it going to be like helping deliver that baby!?
Oh another thing. I know my last blog was a little negative. I just was feeling really angry last night after reading a couple things, but i want all you moms around me to know that this was not about you. You guys are all very inspiring to me.
Oh another thing. I know my last blog was a little negative. I just was feeling really angry last night after reading a couple things, but i want all you moms around me to know that this was not about you. You guys are all very inspiring to me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
to all of you women
My mom is the most amazing mom. She did everything she could possibly do to give Taryn and i a good life. She went through a 9 month accelerated nursing program ( which would normally take two years) JUST to support us. work work work, thats all she did. I just think about some women out there that dont even work, they have a husband that works and yet they still think that life just sucks. They complain about having kids and being pregnant and all of the negative aspects of life, things that dont matter( well to most thankful people). Think about the things you DO have. Think about the single moms who deal with loneliness, isolation, frustration and finances every single day of their lives. Think about the women who long to have babies but psychically can not have a child and feel like they are no good to a man. Think about the women who go to work every single day, all day long and MISS their children so terribly bad that they ACHE to see them. Think about the women who would give an arm and a leg JUST to be pregnant and have that one baby theyve always dreamed of.
be THANKFUL for what you have.
The single women working hard to support their children,
The women who cant psychially have babies but are still so positive and awesome,
The women who APPRECIATE everything they have,
THESE are women to be praised.
I am really thankful to have such an amazing mom, ive learned a lot from her and i could only hope i can be just as good as she is one day.
be THANKFUL for what you have.
The single women working hard to support their children,
The women who cant psychially have babies but are still so positive and awesome,
The women who APPRECIATE everything they have,
THESE are women to be praised.
I am really thankful to have such an amazing mom, ive learned a lot from her and i could only hope i can be just as good as she is one day.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
oh school.. and Halloween!
Lately i have been really stressing out about school. I know for a lot of people school comes easy, but for me it just doesn't! I have to try really really hard, i mean give it everything ive got to do well. So FAR im half way through the semester and i am actually doing pretty well. I guess my hardest problem is finding a balance. Right now im taking English,Math and Biology. I have english twice a week, math three times a week, and bio once a week ( i go for four hours, i know yikes). Most of the time i concentrate on english and math because they both give me so much homework. Considering i only have bio once a week, i dont really think about it that much other then when i have an exam and i FREAK out because i dont know anything! I got lucky i have a really great teacher in bio. He lectures pretty much the whole three hours and on top of it he comes in an hour early to help me understand things a little bit better.
So i knew in english and math i have A's but i thought for sure i had atleast a D or an F in bio because my last exam i bombed! Well this exam i did pretty good and i just checked my grade online and im up to a B-! i almost cried happy tears. Im sure for most of you this is a boring post, but for me this is my life right now! I NEED to get good grades to get into this program! Oh yes which brings me back to submitting my application for nursing school tomorrow! everyone be praying please :)
On a better note! I cant wait for Halloween! Ive been meaning to stop by and get some pumpkins for Jin Ho and i to carve! Tonight i stopped by Old Navy to pick up Ellas halloween Costume which by the way is sooooo freaking cute im not going to spoil it for everyone though!! and it reminded me how i need to get my own costume!! This year im going to the All Hallows Eve Bash at Native! I cant wait!!! Dj flight is going to dj, hes our friend and one of the best djs ever, an ourdoor ice bar, live psychics( which i will be running from because im not into that!!)an outdoor hookah lounge,special effects and costume contests!!! Its going to be soo much fun! I think Brenda and i are going to be Indians! I really need to get on that!
So i knew in english and math i have A's but i thought for sure i had atleast a D or an F in bio because my last exam i bombed! Well this exam i did pretty good and i just checked my grade online and im up to a B-! i almost cried happy tears. Im sure for most of you this is a boring post, but for me this is my life right now! I NEED to get good grades to get into this program! Oh yes which brings me back to submitting my application for nursing school tomorrow! everyone be praying please :)
On a better note! I cant wait for Halloween! Ive been meaning to stop by and get some pumpkins for Jin Ho and i to carve! Tonight i stopped by Old Navy to pick up Ellas halloween Costume which by the way is sooooo freaking cute im not going to spoil it for everyone though!! and it reminded me how i need to get my own costume!! This year im going to the All Hallows Eve Bash at Native! I cant wait!!! Dj flight is going to dj, hes our friend and one of the best djs ever, an ourdoor ice bar, live psychics( which i will be running from because im not into that!!)an outdoor hookah lounge,special effects and costume contests!!! Its going to be soo much fun! I think Brenda and i are going to be Indians! I really need to get on that!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
a new appreciation for my dogs
This morning i went to breakfast with Brenda and she brought Ruby along with us( her cute little 6 month old, 4lbs,min pin). Everything was fine we just thought she was sleeping very nicely in Brenda's lap the whole time.... well turns out we were wrong. After breakfast we came back to my house so i could get ready to go to Leah's Bridal shower and we took her out to go potty and she could barely stand up. Her head was bobbling around all weird and she kept falling over like she couldnt hold her own weight, i knew something was wrong. I was particularly scared because a while ago i had watched animal cops on tv and a dog on there had gotten into some rat poisen and didnt make it to the er on time. Well, Ruby was doing something very similar to what i thought looked like the dog on animal cops was doing. We watched her for a couple more minutes and realized she needed to go to the animal ER. So we rushed down to Arroyo Grande and they took her right in. We waited.. and waited...meanwhile Brenda was terribly upset thinking the worst situation possible.... and then finally got called into a small little room where they then questioned us. Do you keep any toxins in, or around your property ? Has she been eating and drinking anything today ? Has she been Vomiting or any diareah ? Do you have any marijunah in the house?
Right then we realized Brendas roomate( the stoner she found on craigslist last minute) smokes all day everyday and Ruby might possibly have wondered in there and gotten into his stash. So low and behold, poor little Ruby ended up eating some charcoal and barfing, and then getting sent home 400 dollars later. THANK GOD she was ok, but the poor thing is still high out of her mind!
It really gave me a new appreciation for my dogs because while i was in the ER a boxer was in there. I guess the owner( i could use a large amount of cuss words right now because of how much she infuriated me) had clipped EVERY SINGLE nail wayyy to short and they were all bleeding. There was blood all over the floor. It smelled really bad in there the whole time i just wanted to get the HELL outta there! I know i know, i wanna be a nurse! so im going to be around lots of blood and weird smelling things, but its different! I cant stand it when animals are hurt!!!!!
This is Ru
by normal:
This is your dog on d
And Again:
Right then we realized Brendas roomate( the stoner she found on craigslist last minute) smokes all day everyday and Ruby might possibly have wondered in there and gotten into his stash. So low and behold, poor little Ruby ended up eating some charcoal and barfing, and then getting sent home 400 dollars later. THANK GOD she was ok, but the poor thing is still high out of her mind!
It really gave me a new appreciation for my dogs because while i was in the ER a boxer was in there. I guess the owner( i could use a large amount of cuss words right now because of how much she infuriated me) had clipped EVERY SINGLE nail wayyy to short and they were all bleeding. There was blood all over the floor. It smelled really bad in there the whole time i just wanted to get the HELL outta there! I know i know, i wanna be a nurse! so im going to be around lots of blood and weird smelling things, but its different! I cant stand it when animals are hurt!!!!!
This is Ru

This is your dog on d

And Again:

Friday, October 10, 2008
Birthday Girl!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today is mine and Jin Ho's 9 month anniversary! It has been a long, wild, amazing 9 month's at that!

It's easy when you live with someone to just get into a swing of thing's and forget to tell each other how much you care. Everyday i think about how lucky i am to live the life that i i do.I have my two favorite little dogs, i have someone who makes me dinner every night and takes me out all the time! I have the cutest little house to live in with a roof over my head. I just am REALLY lucky! oh and not to mention i probably found the funniest man alive considering im laughing all day because of him!
One more thing, im ALWAYS asking people if they have seen these e trade commercials that im obsessed with, they are hilarious!!! here is a link to my favorite one!!Please, its well worth your time! it involves a baby for all you moms!http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_yA4BAN7BY

It's easy when you live with someone to just get into a swing of thing's and forget to tell each other how much you care. Everyday i think about how lucky i am to live the life that i i do.I have my two favorite little dogs, i have someone who makes me dinner every night and takes me out all the time! I have the cutest little house to live in with a roof over my head. I just am REALLY lucky! oh and not to mention i probably found the funniest man alive considering im laughing all day because of him!
One more thing, im ALWAYS asking people if they have seen these e trade commercials that im obsessed with, they are hilarious!!! here is a link to my favorite one!!Please, its well worth your time! it involves a baby for all you moms!http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_yA4BAN7BY
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Today i worked all day, went straight to school for two hours and then straight to the grocery store. I finally just ate dinner at 930 pm and all i want to do is go to bed! Too bad tomorrow i have a math exam and a bio exam to study for! someone save me :( its all worth it!
On a lighter note, I have no school this Thursday and Friday because of teacher flex days. It's Brenda's birthday this Thursday and im surprising her with a table at native for the fashion show with bottle service. Her sister Heather is also coming into town to surpise her for the night! cant wait.
My next blog is going to be about Jin Ho. get ready
On a lighter note, I have no school this Thursday and Friday because of teacher flex days. It's Brenda's birthday this Thursday and im surprising her with a table at native for the fashion show with bottle service. Her sister Heather is also coming into town to surpise her for the night! cant wait.
My next blog is going to be about Jin Ho. get ready
Monday, October 6, 2008
loving life
Well it has finally happened! Ive decided to join the world of blogging. Life just recently became a little crazy when i decided to follow my dreams and start college after 3 years in cosmetology. I have been so slammed with homework i feel like im losing my mind! I cant WAIT until im in that delivery room maddness. I just got to sit in on my second live vaginal birth as most of you know im sure, my little baby nephew Owen was born! and let me tell you how much more inspired i was! im obsessed. The whole expierence is intriguing. Watching all of the nurses come in and check her, and then the actual birthing of the baby! Its so insane. I just couldnt imagine anything more rewarding. Thank God everything went perfect or else i might die! I apply to get into the progam on Oct 15th and find out in Feb. if i get accepted. Everyone cross your fingers , i need this! Here is a couple pictures of precious b
aby Owen.

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