Saturday, November 1, 2008


Ok SO Halloween was fun! I had a really good time. The decorations were not half as good as i had hoped they would be... but oh well they were still cool. The live psychic room scared me all night, I just wanted to stay as far away from it as possible! The night was longggggggg considering we got there around 9 and stayed til almost closeing time. Things started getting a little weird towards the end of the night! we wont get into that though...ha . So i had a really rough week and ended it off with a fun Halloween thank God cause i definetly needed it! Here are some fun pictures from our night. The last picture is of Kamylah and I downtown a couple weekends ago. She is in the same program as me so were in all of the same classes, i LOVE her she is my rock! I hope hope hope that we both get accepted into the program at the same time so every cross your fingers for her to !

Dj Flight and Jin Ho

Jin Ho and Matt Gaines

Brenda being a savage Indian!

i LOVE this bitch!

Uncle Sam is soo cute!

Im in love with Uncle Sam

We had the coolest drinks!

Jin Ho, Rich, and I

Kamylah and I

1 comment:

taryn said...

i want one of those foggy drinks.... i also want to know why things got weird at the end of the night.. i also want a picture of that guy who was a baby and a grandma.