Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Today is mine and Jin Ho's 9 month anniversary! It has been a long, wild, amazing 9 month's at that!

It's easy when you live with someone to just get into a swing of thing's and forget to tell each other how much you care. Everyday i think about how lucky i am to live the life that i i do.I have my two favorite little dogs, i have someone who makes me dinner every night and takes me out all the time! I have the cutest little house to live in with a roof over my head. I just am REALLY lucky! oh and not to mention i probably found the funniest man alive considering im laughing all day because of him!

One more thing, im ALWAYS asking people if they have seen these e trade commercials that im obsessed with, they are hilarious!!! here is a link to my favorite one!!Please, its well worth your time! it involves a baby for all you moms!http ://


taryn said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! love you guys.

Cheer up, Old Bean! said...

Ashley says it's your 10 month anniversary ;)

Unknown said...

i found you! and i love you! and JH!