Wednesday, February 18, 2009

catch up!

Well i have had a rather eventful last couple of weeks! It was Julies wedding so that was pretty crazy. I had to be there at eight in the morning and i did eight people while i was there for six hours! I had to jam home really fast and go straight back for the actual wedding. By the time seven rolled around i was so tired i went straight home and passed out around ten! (which by the way is super early for me) Anyways were still in the rental and im still scared when nighttime rolls around! There are just to many damn hiding spaces i cant help it. The other house is coming along nicely we are pretty much right on schedule so far all we need is for the rain to stop so we can get moving on the add on part of the house. I will have to update the house pictures as its coming along. But for right now i have pictures from the past couple days!
Loris belly!!!!! front view ( im obsessed)
side view!!
Im pregnant!! jk i love that fake belly
buying nursing bras!! its all happening

i freaking love this picture its a perfect exacple of their personalities!!
Julies wedding
Rudianne and I! love her
These next couple of pictures are of Don and Maggie who i dearly love. Most of you know Maggie or at least have heard about her. We have worked next to each other the last three years and she just quit :( Don ( her husband) was diagnosed a couple months ago with lou gehrig's disease and i couldnt be more upset about it. I cant even talk about it without crying. Maggie just means so much to me and she is the absolute last person i would ever imagine something so tragic happening to. It just proves that bad things do happen to amazing people. I just wish it didnt. The picture i took above is of Maggie and Don holding hands during a really cool prayer at Julies wedding. I snuck it :)
haha i love this picture Maggie looks drunk! shes not
Isnt she a beauty!!

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