Sunday, April 19, 2009

things i miss

So, lately you could say i haven't been feeling "quite myself" ... meaning FAT!! so instead of feeling sorry for myself every single time i glance in a mirror, im going to do all of the things i used to love doing! A couple summers ago i started exploring things outside of my bubble to lose weight such as, hiking bishops at least twice a week, running stairs, ,no soda, discovered my favorite skinny beverage- diet peach snapple, and basically fell in love with lean cuisines and all of those fabulous diet frozen meals. I will also admit that i love tanning ( both outside and in the beds shhhhhh) cause any smart girl knows it hides ugly parts of the body!

Since i start nursing shcool in a month and my life is going to be forever changed, i decided now is the time. I also was incredibly inspired by this beautiful weather.. i cant help but want to be outside the whole time!!


Unknown said...

Excited for you D!!! You got this. Also, since Nestle makes Lein Cuisine's and skinny cows and all that stuff I will send you all the free coupons I have!

love you!!

Krista said...

can we please walk the bj trail this week!?!!?! ill be in town friday, maybe we can even take the dogs. iw ould love too. i want to get rid of this baby fat!!!!! i love you. lets do it.